New Year News

To all staff, parents and members over 18 years

On behalf of the staff of Jambouree I send my very best wishes for health and happiness in 2015.

I know that many parents find it difficult to be at the North Inch Campus by 4.30pm for the start of the Rehearsal. As a result, we lose valuable rehearsal time. Caleb and Noah’s parents, Eric and Elizabeth Scott, have very kindly offered the use of the Elim Pentecostal Church in Princes Street for our Thursday rehearsals. It is a much more central venue, and hopefully we would recruit more members as a result. If you know of any child or young person who would like to join us, please let me know.

I’d be grateful if you would make comments on this proposal so that I can give due notification to everyone who would be involved in this proposed change of venue and time. Please either e-mail me at: or return the section of this letter to me at the next rehearsal.

The staff at the North Inch Campus have looked after us very well, but at times the heat in the Drama Studio is unbearable, and our own heavy electric piano has to be carried quite a distance each week. I also realise that for most children and young people who come to rehearsals, it is not the most convenient place to reach, with the exception of 2 members who attend the Grammar School. Arrangements would be made for the 2 girls.

It is 10 years since Jambouree Choir was formed, and a function to celebrate this will take place around the time the 18 young singers performed for the first time, in the presence of HM the Queen at Perth Concert Hall.

The date of the annual spring/summer Concert will be arranged in the near future and this will appear on the Diary section on the website

This letter will appear on the Website, and again, I ask that you check the Website regularly for any updates.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

With my very best wishes,

Edna Auld