
The Perth based Jambouree Choir was founded in 2005 under the direction of local music teacher, Mrs Edna Auld. Its first performance was given in the presence of HM The Queen. The choir has performed at local venues, on civic occasions and on television.

Mrs Auld is supported by a strong team of vocal coaches and accompanists, including members who started their own musical careers in the choir.

Entry to the choir does not require an audition; membership is free.

During term time, rehearsals are held in St Leonard’s-in-the-Fields Church, Marshall Place, Perth, from 5-6pm on Thursdays. The choir’s annual concerts, supported by members of the Jambouree Cabaret Singers, include celebrations for St Andrew’s Day; Christmas; Burns Night and an annual Summer Concert.

We are recruiting new members for our well established choir of young voices. If you think that your son or daughter would enjoy being a member of an enthusiastic group of singers – expertly coached – becoming confident performers – please come along.